
Melanie Baljko
Department of Electrical Engineering & Computer Science
York University
4700 Keele St.
Toronto, Ontario, Canada, M3J 1P3

Office: Lassonde Building (LAS) 2028 [map]
Email: mb at [replace ‘ at ‘ with @]

Prospective Students

If you are a student who is looking to complete graduate work with me, you are kindly invited to apply via the graduate programs to which I am appointed.  Further information can be found under Prospective Students on the PiET Lab website. You may also send an expression of interest to me via email. I am most responsive to expressions of interest that are specific and demonstrate knowledge of the kinds of research projects done within my lab. Unfortunately, due to time constraints, generic expressions of interest may not receive a reply.  (This is a polite way of saying that I usually ignore these types of emails.)

If you are an undergraduate student who is looking for opportunities to gain research experience or to complete a undergraduate project course under my supervision, please consult my Teaching page.